Tasks App

A mobile app for planning with the ability to set tasks for a day and that will allow you
to make reminders and assign tasks to a stakeholders.

Group 2@3xGroup 2@3x

The Challenge

Simplify the planning process, help not forget about current tasks and increase your personal efficiency by assigning them to your usrs and set reminders.

My Role

The following case study summarizes the processes and methodologies that I used for the creation of Tasks App, a tool that will allow users to manage their day2day activities.

As the Lead Product Designer of this project, I worked closely with a Product Manager and Developers.

Group 10@3xGroup 10@3x

User Interface Design

The goal of user interface design is to provide the user with an interaction as simple and efficient as
possible so the user can accomplish his/her goals. User interface design requires a good understanding
of user needs, so based on the research that we run and after defining the look and feel that we wanted to
have for the system, I created the following screens for the app.


Full flow of adding a new task 
Check out the full flow by expanding the image bellow. 

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